تفاصيل اللّقطة

الراصد Comfyqq
رصدت في Dubai, United Arab Emirates
التاريخ 2025-02-03 04:35

Dubai traffic 😴 Dream spot finally happened, we spent 3 days to catch it…

تفاصيل السيّارة

السّرعة القصوى 330 km/h
التّسارع 0-100 km/h 3.80 s
القوّة 632 hp
عزم الدوران 652 Nm @ 5500 rpm
الوزن 1335 kg

التعاليق على هذه اللقطة

  1. Profile pic
    NETHERLANDS MW_cars  -  في 12:28

    Insane spot! I would of done a different thumbnail tho

  2. Profile pic
    UNITED ARAB EMIRATES Comfyqq  -  في 16:21

    @MW_cars thanks, I would too, but unfortunately I only took 3 pictures, my friend took the rest for me, otherwise I would have put the last picture on the cover

  3. Profile pic
    ITALY JACK888 Turin Spotter  -  في 18:13

    Epic spot, I dream to spot an MC12 too! 😍

  4. Profile pic
    FINLAND carspottertku  -  في 22:14

    That’s crazy!

  5. هذا ليس مسموحاً

المزيد Maserati MC12 اللقطات

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